Design Workshops

Design Workshops

Hella Jongerius had been invited to showcase her work in Garanti Galeri, from the 28th of September to the 13th November 2004, at the time a major venue for exhibiting art and design related content. The exhibition was contributed by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Istanbul and Mondriaan Foundation.


In 2006, the Kadir Has University hosted the 6th International Istanbul Interaction Design Workshop, Young Instructor Training Program, by the title ‘Design as Seeing and Thinking’. The aim of the workshop was to improve the teaching qualities of young teachers and doctoral students in interactive media design. From the Netherlands Teike Asselbergs participated. See


In 2008, for the aforementioned ‘Made in Şişhane’ project, workshops and research were conducted in Istanbul, in collaboration with ITU Industrial Design Department and the Design Lab of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. The Gerrit Rietveld Academy also visited Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and did a workshop there for both the Turkish and the Dutch students. See


In 2009 there was an international student workshop, organized in The Hague. The theme of the workshop was “Unity and/or diversity for Europe?”, and the central question was how can diversity be uniformity? During the workshop there was a visit to the European Commission in The Hague, and a discussion took place about identity and design. The results of the workshop were presented during Design and Government 2010. For the workshop Turkish students from the Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design in Turkey also participated. See


In 2009, the organization ‘Made in Şişhane’ organized a workshop for a group of 10 independent designers (who worked on their own productions) in Istanbul. The results of this workshop were shown during the 2009 Galata Visibility Days. In the same period, under the name ‘Dutch design Made in Şişhane’ Dutch designers from the international workshop and previous visits were exhibited at the location of the Union Church on the premises of the Dutch Consulate General in Istanbul. There were also lectures and workshops organized in collaboration with Bilgi University and Istanbul Technical University. 


In 2009 the Design Academy Eindhoven visited ‘Made in Şişhane’ and got a tour. Some students went on and realized research on the district. In 2010 Design Academy Eindhoven made a publication based on the visit to Istanbul together with the Graphic Design department of Mimar Sinan University.


In 2010, a cross-disciplinary project on the values and urban heritage of Turkish culture (The Meeting Istanbul 2010 project) was carried out on the occasion of Istanbul’s being the European capital of culture. The project was held with the participation of industrial design students from Eindhoven University of Technology, art students from Sint Lukas Brussels (SL) and product design students from Istanbul Technical University. In the context of this project supported by Lifelong Learning Programmes Erasmus for IP (Intensive Programmes) multiple workshops were carried out at ITU Taşkışla Campus. The workshops were concluded by an exhibition and a conference (13-17 December 2010).


In 2010 Dutch students from the HKU Graphic Design department visited Istanbul for a working week. There were several activities, some related to the aforementioned ‘Made in Şişhane’project, as well as visits to graphic design studios Bravo Istanbul, Extrastruggle and Tutajans.


In 2010 Teike Asselbergs taught the one semester course ‘Case Studies in Design Management’ at the masters program of the Industrial Product Design Department at ITU in collaboration with Professor Özlem Er.