Contemporary 4-D art

Contemporary 4-D art

Time-based, performance, video, animation and relational projects are organized on a local and international level. The Kurve Video Organization has organized the KargArt International Video Fair since 2007. This year it was attended by 110 participants from 23 countries. Video and performance works of graphic and contemporary artists, presentations, projections and workshops were organized at the fair which for the last 3 years has been organized in Aksanat, Bilgi University and Santralistanbul.

Some venues, such as Garajistanbul, host both local and international productions. In the context of an intercultural dialogue project ‘Kosmopolistanbul’ by Garajistanbul, in collaboration with the four big cities of the Netherlands: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag and Utrecht, organized several meetings with artists, cultural dialogues and international co operations. Some works were carried out in the cross-disciplinary field of visual and stage arts.