European Union
The European Union offers numerous funding opportunities for collaborative projects in which several European countries participate (‘multilateral financing’). There is one specific programme for cultural projects, the Culture Programme.
Culture ProgrammeThe Culture Programme supports projects in all artistic disciplines (except for film) in which there is cooperation between organisations from at least three European countries. For more information about this programme and assistance with an application, you can contact one of the European Cultural Contact Points (CCPs) in the participating countries. The Dutch CCP is part of SICA.
Besides the Culture Programme, there is the MEDIA programme for audiovisual projects (including films). Information about MEDIA is available from the Mediadesks in all participating countries.
Other EU programmes providing funding for cultural activitiesEuropean funding is not only available for cultural projects within Europe, but also sometimes for projects in ‘third’ (non-EU) countries (for instance, countries in Asia or South America). Moreover, Euregionale and other programmes offer opportunities for cross-border collaborative ventures or activities in which culture helps achieve objectives in other areas, such as the living environment, tourism or innovation. The Dutch CCP can inform you about the various opportunities.