Bruidsmode B.V. A trip with Turkish Entrepeneurs


Bruidsmode B.V. A trip with Turkish Entrepeneurs

Saturday 10 September - Saturday 12 November 2011

Opening exhibition, Gemaal op Zuid, september 10th 2011


Bruidsmode B.V. Op reis met Turkse ondernemers opens with a spectacular tableau vivant: twenty beautiful models show bridal wear from Turkish entrepreneurs from Rotterdam and Duisburg (Germany).


At the opening, traditional folksinger Meral Polat performs a hennasong. It’s an ancient tradition at Turkish weddings. Cultural planner Hans Venhuizen gives an introduction on how culture, business and fashion design studies can strengthen each other.

The winner of the design competition De Duurzame Bruid will be announced. Fashion students of the Willem de Kooning Academie were asked to design a special bridal dress called De Duurzame Bruid. The three finalists will cut the wedding cake to open the exhibition symbolically. All this will be hosted by AD/Rotterdams Dagblad columnist Suna Floret, the master of ceremony.


Why Bruidsmode B.V.?

Of every 1000 Turkish laborers, 12,4 % have their own company. This percentage is the highest in comparison to other subgroups. The Rotterdam bridal fashion shops cater a very broad audience, with customers outside their own ethnic group. They also operate in a transnational network. In Duisburg the bridal shops brought a revival of the town Marxloh. More than eighty bridal related shops from Turks-German retailers there, attract customers from all around Europe nowadays.


In the exhibition Bruidsmode B.V. besides the wedding dresses and suits in all it’s variety, there is also attention for the stories behind the shops. All the participants were interviewed and in short video presentations their stories are told.

Bruidsmode B.V. is a Kosmopolis Rotterdam project in cooperation with Urban Rhizome (Marxloh, Duisburg).

Bruidsmode B.V. Op reis met Turkse ondernemers

Date: september 10th – november 12th

Location: Gemaal op Zuid, Pretorialaan 141, 3072 EL  Rotterdam
Open: wed. t/m. sat 11.00 - 17.00 uur.

Entrance: Free
Info: (e: t: 010- 417 7422)