Concert - Bart Lust Quintet featuring Anne Chris


Concert - Bart Lust Quintet featuring Anne Chris

Friday 5 December 2014 00:00

Ankara concert of Bart Lust Quintet featuring Anne Chris

With the support of the Netherlands Embassy, the Dutch jazz group “Bart Lust Quintet featuring Ann Chris” will perform in CerModern Ankara on 5 December. Bart Lust is well known by his highly energetic modal jazz. Underpinned by the solid sound of trombone and alto saxophone and supported by a furious driving rhythm section. Their latest CD, "Make Me An Offer", uses these ingredients with an adventurous touch. Typical compositions are interspersed with contemporary carved gems from the (jazz) past. Navigating between swing and Latin, every composition of Lust sails its own course.

Line up:
Bart Lust: Trombon
Bart Wirtz: Alt saksafon
Steven Hupkens: Piano
Guus Bakker: Bas

featuring Anne Chris: singer