Design and Innovation in Turkey - Talkshow Eindhoven


Design and Innovation in Turkey - Talkshow Eindhoven

Wednesday 19 March 2014 00:00

Deniz Ova and Meredith Carruthers of the Istanbul Design Biennial are our guests in a meeting about design and innovation in Turkey. Together with the Dutch cultural attaché in Turkey, Jeroen Gankema and Nicole Dorsman of the Design Academy Eindhoven, they will discuss the present situation of design in Turkey, the strategies of the Istanbul Design Biennial and the opportunities for Dutch designers. Moderator is Danielle Arets.

Istanbul Design Biennial
Turkey's role as an economic, political and cultural centre has highlighted the importance of innovation and design. The creative energy of Istanbul in correlation with an emerging middle class and the large production industry is fuelling the desire for design and innovation. The primary aim of the Istanbul Design Biennial is to raise public awareness with regards to design issues, to create a platform that supports the development of design and innovation policies and to support the constitution of a design archive on national and international scale.

This year's Istanbul Design Biennial will be the second edition and will be held between 18 October-14 December 2014. The title of the biennial, The Future Is Not What It Used To Be, was announced by curator Zoë Ryan. The biennial invited designers to rethink the manifesto, harnessing this powerful and fertile genre as a platform for reconsidering where we have come from, where we are, and where we are going.

Practical information
Date: Wednesday 19 March 2014
Time: 19.30 - 21.00 hrs, followed by drinks
Venue: Design Academy Eindhoven, Emmasingel 14 in Eindhoven
Language: English
Admission: free
Please register here before 17 March