Dutch design exhibition Connecting Concepts in Rio de Janeiro


Dutch design exhibition Connecting Concepts in Rio de Janeiro

Thursday 27 June - Sunday 28 July 2013

From 27 June - 28 July 2013 the Museu Histórico Nacional in Rio de Janeiro exhibits Connecting Concepts, a traveling exposition about Dutch design, fashion and architecture. Earlier this year the exhibition was shown in FAAP, Museu de Arte Brasileira in São Paulo.

In the 90s, Dutch Design became a concept and as such world famous. Everybody, consumers and industry, likes Dutch design, but there are few people who can say what exactly it is that defines those designs as 'Dutch'. Whatever may be of it, Dutch design products can help us to – at least- better understand Dutch design culture.

The thirty designs in the exhibition say much about design concepts, processes and multidisciplinary cross-fertilization in the Netherlands. It is precisely the sharing of these processes, through ideas, technology and
materials, that gives Dutch design outer coherence. By showing and analysing the Dutch design process Connecting Concepts helps us to better understand Dutch design, both materially and intellectually.

The goal of Connecting Concepts is to start a dialogue between the participating countries. Each country will have its local input to the exhibition. The idea is that both the Brazilian and the Dutch design industry will benefit more if a better understanding of each others processes is established. Moreover, focussing on the process allows the content and the exhibition itself to be dynamic and relevant everywhere.

Connecting Concepts is curated by Ed van Hinte and is a collaboration between Premsela, the Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion, the Dutch Institute for Architecture and Design Cooperation Brainport. The exhibition is part of the DutchDFA Programme.
