Dutch Solar Cinema in Rio


Dutch Solar Cinema in Rio

Tuesday 27 November - Saturday 1 December 2012

Artistic Residency combines Art, Science, Technology and Sustainability

Eme, Estúdio Móvel Experimental (BR) , invited Solar World Cinema (NL) and the Technological University CEFET/RJ for an Artistic Residency which combines Art, Science, Technology and Sustainability.

Maureen Prins from Solar World Cinema (NL) challenged the Art and Video students from CEFET to build a Solar Powered Cinema. The students worked for 2 weeks in a workshop developing this mobile cinema. They will present open air film screenings using professional audiovisual equipment powered by sustainable energy solutions. The students filmed the making of this mobile cinema and turned the footage into a documentary about this buildingprocess. The students curated a program of short films about the theme of sustainable energy.

Maureen Prins (1977), from The Netherlands, studied and graduated with honours at the ‘Academie voor Beeldende Vorming’ in 1998, Tilburg. After being awarded 3 scholarships she continued her studies at 'The Northern Media School', Sheffield (UK). She successfully completed her MA in Screen Arts in May 2000, specialising in Directing, Editing and Production Design.

WORKSHOPS: 19.11.12 untill the 25.11.12 at  CEFET Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro

27.11: Screenings at Praça Saens Peña and CEFET Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro.

29.11: Screenings ar Praia do Arpoador, Rio de Janeiro.

01.12: Screenings at Praça Tiradentes, Rio de Janeiro.



