Europa Uitgelicht - Day of Europe


Europa Uitgelicht - Day of Europe

On 9th of May it is the Day of Europe. Celebrate with DutchCulture the power of European cooperation!
Friday 9 May 2014 00:00

In the countries of the European Union, the 9th of May is remembered for the fact that on this date in 1950, the French Minister Robert Schuman made an ambitious declaration in which he called for the set up of an organisation that should later become what we know as the European Union.

DutchCulture takes up this occasion to organise a meeting during which we will look at what Europe means/delivers culturally: Europa Uitgelicht (Europe in the spotlights).

Europa Uitgelicht gives you the opportunity to see and discuss with people working in and with Europe, to meet possible cooperation partners, to find inspiration and to make your way to the funding opportunities.

The programme offers:

  • keynotes by Mathieu Segers, author of, among other publications, De reis naar het continent. Nederland en de Europese integratie, 1950 tot heden (The trip to the continent. Netherlands and European integration, 1950 to the present), winner of the 'Prinsjesboekenprijs' for best political book of the year 2013, and by Bruno Felix (co-founder of Submarine, one of Dutch leading media production),
  • a debate on Europe's importance for the Netherlands and vice versa,
  • a film and speed-dating sessions.

Meet organisations who committed themselves to work with and/or for Europe. In the registration form you can specify which organisations you want to speak with for a speed-date of 10 minutes. Overview of organisations present for the speed-dating session (PDF in Dutch, 2 p.).

Practical information
Date: Friday 9 May 2014
Time: 13:30 to 17:00 pm, followed by a networking opportunity
Location: VondelCS, Vondelpark in Amsterdam 3
Admission: Free
<a data-cke-saved-href="broken10144620" href="broken10144620" "="" target="_blank" title="Sign up for the Europa Uitgelicht - Europe in the Spotlights meeting and for the speed-dates.">Sign up via the registration form. This form allows you to indicate with which organisations you want to speed-date.