Albert Meijer
Advisor Culture - Creative Europe
a.meijer [at] dutchculture.nl

Vinod Singh
Senior Marketing & Communication Advisor
v.singh [at] dutchculture.nl

inJazz matchmaking sessions and presentation of the Dutch jazz mapping

a collage of dutch jazz artists
inJazz artists

inJazz matchmaking sessions and presentation of the Dutch jazz mapping

Meet our advisors at the matchmaking session and join the presentation of our Dutch jazz mapping at the inJazz conference in Rotterdam.
Thursday 27 June 2024 13:00 - 17:00

The inJazz conference 2024 takes place in LantarenVenster, Rotterdam, from 25-27 June.

Thursday 27 June | 13:00 – 15:00: Matchmaking session

Have you always wanted to know more about (crowd)funding your project? Touring India or Thailand? Or how copyright laws work? Or neighbouring rights? Who should be registered at BumaStemra? Or do you want to pitch your project to (inter)national programmers? Fancy getting into media music? To answer these questions and more, industry professionals will be available for 1-on-1 talks during the conference on Thursday.

During the matchmaking sessions, you can meet our advisors Albert Meijer (European funding and mobility) and Vinod Singh (impact measurement), for a one-on-one session.

Deadline to apply for this session: Wednesday 19 June, 23:59.

Thursday 27 June | 16:10 – 17:00: Presentation of the Dutch jazz mapping

We will present our latest jazz mapping of the Netherlands! We dive into the trends and movements of Dutch Jazz artists around the globe, including key international cities, festivals, and venues. Additionally, we will introduce the DutchCulture Database, a public database tracking international activities by Dutch artists of all disciplines and explain how you as an artist can use it as a resource for your international activities and how you can add your international projects.