International visitors: Érica Diogo and Sandra Corrêa (BRA)


International visitors: Érica Diogo and Sandra Corrêa (BRA)

From 24 to 28 November, two guests from the Brazilian National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage are visiting the Netherlands.
Friday 28 November 2014 00:00

The National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) is responsible for the preservation of buildings, monuments, structures, objects and sites deemed of historic and/or cultural importance to Brazil.

Érica Cristina Castilho Diogo is General Coordinator of the Department of Material Heritage and Supervisory (DEPAM). Sandra Rafaela Magalhães Corrêa is the Coordinator of Financing for Private Property Recovery. Both functions are part of the Brazilian Monumenta Programme. The Monumenta Programme is a strategic programme set up by the Ministry of Culture. It has an innovative approach attempting to link the revitalization and preservation of the country’s historical heritage with social and economic development. At the moment, Monumenta is active in 26 historical cities protected by IPHAN.

During their working visit in the Netherlands, Érica Diogo and Sandra Corrêa will meet representatives from various organisations in the Dutch heritage field and discuss topics like institutional and legal frameworks, adaptive re-use, management of planned historical urban landscape, financing schemes and community involvement.

Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN)