International visitors: Oji Masanori and Takua Matsuo (JPN)


International visitors: Oji Masanori and Takua Matsuo (JPN)

DutchCulture welcomes two visitors in the framework of the International Visitors’ Programme for Heritage.
Sunday 16 March 2014 00:00

From 11 until 16 March, Oji Masanori and Takua Matsuo are visiting the Netherlands for the international conference Ambacht: erfgoed, economie en duurzaamheid (Handicrafts: heritage, economics and sustainability). This conference, which focuses on the potential of handicraft, will take place in Eindhoven and Tilburg, on 14 and 15 March.

The conference is organised by the Nederlands Centrum voor Volkscultuur en Immaterieel Erfgoed (Dutch Centre for Folk Culture and Intangible Heritage) and the Cultural Participation Fund. 2014 marks the Year of Handicraft.

Next to participating in the conference, Oji and Matsuo will visit Dutch designers and organisations dealing with handicrafts.

Read the blog by Mylene van Noort, cultural manager at Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam, about her meeting with our guests: