Minus the Tiger is going to Istanbul


Minus the Tiger is going to Istanbul

Wednesday 11 - Thursday 12 September 2013

Minus the Tiger wil be performaning two days in a row at the Dutch Consulate in Istanbul.

MTT is, first and foremost, Anne Broekman, voice and songwriter of the band. During the endless Sunday morning pajama sessions she and her husband, Maarten Besseling - known for his In A Cabin With project - found a new sound for the songs she has been performing solo on her acoustic guitar. The resulting DIY sound fabricated in holy matrimony is layered, hot, sounds international and at times ethereal. Finding itself somewhere between The Knife and TV On The Radio, Lykke Li and Kate Bush. With the addition of Jesse Broekman (Anne’s sibling), Arthur Adam and Jos Terlingen, MTT makes for a tantalizing live performance. A sound both carefree and melancholic that seduces to dance.

The band has acquired a prestigious publishing deal in Canada, has signed with the record company V2 Records Benelux, has been selected for Canadian Music Fest 2012 in Toronto and is adding more and more live shows to their resume. Their debut album will be released in the Benelux on the 9th of april. Visit their Facebook to for a sneak peak and spread the word, you are sure to score points with the most prophetic of music fanatics.