Performance - Trekhaak
Thursday 4 - Friday 5 September 2014
On 4 (English spoken) and 5 (Nederlands gesproken) September Dutch artist Tjerk Ridder and Matthijs Spek, also known as 'Trekhaak', will perform at the Dutch consulate. Tjerk and journalist Peter Bijl hitchhiked from Utrecht (Holland) to Istanbul with a caravan, but without a car, to show that you need others to keep you going. Tjerk Ridder translated his impressions into a unique multimedia performance: “Towbar Needed“.
If you would like to see this show please register via Only 120 seats available!
Date: 4 (English) & 5 (Dutch) September
Time: 19:30 (doors open at 19:00)
Location: Dutch chapel, Palais de Hollande
For more information check their website