Support Favela Painting at Brakke Grond


Support Favela Painting at Brakke Grond

Friday 19 April 2013 00:00

Call for 1000 Drawings Amsterdam in support of Favela Painting: Friday 19 April 2013 at Brakke Grond.

1000 Drawings welcomes all professional and non-professional artists and creatives to donate A5-sized artworks. Draw anything, with anything, on anything A5. The drawings are sold for only 10 EUR at the party exhibition 1000 Drawings Amsterdam. All profits are donated directly to the wonderful project Favela Painting. The project is situated in one of the most notorious favelas in Brazil and supports young local artists to revitalize their neighbourhood through colourful public art.

Favela Painting.

In 2006, the Dutch artist duo Haas&Hahn started deaveloping the idea of creating community-driven art interventions in Brazil. Their efforts yielded two murals which were painted in Vila Cruzeiro, Rio's most notorious slum, in collaboration with local youth. The artworks received worldwide coverage and have become points of pride in the community and throughout Rio.