Turkey Innovation Week - Design for Export (Workshop)


Turkey Innovation Week - Design for Export (Workshop)

Thursday 4 December 2014 00:00

In alignment with the successfully organized Holland Turkey Business Forums in the Netherlands, ING, Yard 9, TNO, Turkey Institute and Dutch Embassy took the initiative to counter-organize a Turkey Holland Business Forum during Turkey Innovation Week 2014 in Istanbul.

Main objective of the business forum is to build and strengthen ties between the Turkish and Dutch business, design, innovation and R&D community. 

Turkey plans, designs, and works for increasing exports from \$162 (2012) to \$500 billion in 2023. Design is to be considered key in transforming Turkish SME’s from suppliers to OEM’s. Turkish design leadership has to be developed.

In this workshop speakers from all over the world will contribute with their experience, exchange ideas and draft a program.

  • Sertac Ersayin (cdo Kale Group, Turkey)
  • Theo Groothuizen MSc,
  • Prof Matthijs van Dijk (TU Delft, Yard 9)
  • Hugo Honijk (Honorary Consul Kingdom of the Netherlands in Recife, Brazil/Yard 9)


Moderator Gerbrand Bas (Yard 9)