Practical places to go for an architect/designer visiting or working on a project in Turkey
Plotter and printing service- Cemil Ozalit (www.cemilcopy.com/)
- Necdet Ozalit (www.necdetozalit.com.tr/)
- Netcopy (only printing service, www.netcopycenter.com/)
- Teknik Servis Kopyalama Sistemleri (www.teknikservis.com.tr/)
3D prototyping, printing, rendering
- +90 (rapid Prototyping, www.plus90.com/)
- Infotron (3D Printing, rapid prototyping, www.infotron.com.tr/)
- Parlak Kırmızı (3D Rendering Service, www.parkir.com.tr/)
Model makers
- Ahmet Sertaç Öztürk, Hayalbilim (http://hayalbilim.com/)
- Atölye 77 Modelling (www.atolye77.com.tr/)
- Mavi Işık Modelling (www.maviisik.com/)
- Mehmet Erkök (www.merkok.com/)
- Murat Küçük, Atölye K ( www.atolyek.com/)
Modelling, painting and drawing (M+P+D) materials
- Balcı Stationary (M+D materials)
- Karum Stationary (D+P materials)
- Mektup Stationary (D+P materials)
- Kabalcı (D+P materials and bookstore)
- Homer Bookstore (www.homerbooks.com/)
- Pandora Bookstore (www.pandora.com.tr/)
- Robinson Crusoe Bookstore (www.rob389.com/)
- YEM Bookstore (www.yemkitabevi.com/)
Architectural photographers
- Ali Bekman (www.alibekman.com/)
- Cemal Emden (www.cemalemden.com/)
- Murat Germen (www.muratgermen.com/)
- Oğuz Meriç (also aerial photography)