

Other name (in original language)
Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie

Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 22
2595 BE The Hague

The Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie (CBG) was founded in 1945 by representatives of government and business as a national documentation and information centre for family history and heraldry in the Netherlands. It was established to house a number of major state and private genealogical and heraldic collections and these have now been supplemented by many more. Since 1983 the historic collections of the Royal Dutch Society for Genealogy and Heraldry (Koninklijk Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde). Just over half the Bureau's funds come from the Dutch Ministry of Culture. The rest is raised from more than 12,000 Friends ('Vrienden'- contributors) and from payments for various genealogical services and publication sales.