

Other name (in original language)
Фонд имени Д.С. Лихачева

Mokhovaya St., 15
Saint Petersburg

The Likhachev International Charitable Foundation was established in 2001.

The figure of Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev (1906-1999) is symbolic for Russian culture of the twentieth century. A Russian intellectual who survived the Soviet camp, the largest scientist and thinker, public figure, he managed to preserve in the conditions of a totalitarian society the dignity, responsibility, and loyalty of Russia. In the 1990s, it became a moral standard for many people in the country.

In the last years of his life, DS Likhachev conceived the creation of a humanitarian charitable foundation, pondered who to invite to the board, sketched out a sketch of the logo. The idea was realized only after the death of the scientist. The founders of the Foundation were people who highly valued the scientific and social heritage of Likhachev, shared his ideas, and wished to continue his work as much as possible. The daughter of the scientist Lyudmila Dmitrievna Likhacheva took an active part in the foundation of the Foundation.

The mission of the Foundation was formulated by Likhachev himself - the development of Russian culture, education, the humanities, and the dissemination of democratic and humanistic values ​​in society. The Foundation carries out its activities within the framework of regional, Russian and international programs, conducts grant competitions, supports seminars and conferences, publishes books. The Foundation has representatives in Moscow, Volgograd, New York.

In 2006, 100 years have passed since the birth of Academician Likhachev. At the initiative of the Foundation, this year, by the decree of the Russian President, was declared "The Year of Academician D. S. Likhachev." More than 300 events dedicated to Likhachev were held throughout the country. For the Fund this year was the beginning of many new programs.

DS Likhachev wrote that the twenty-first century should become a century of humanitarian culture. We believe in it!