On the Move is the cultural mobility information network active in Europe and worldwide. On the Move (OTM) signposts on a free, regular and updated manner funding opportunities for the mobility of artists and cultural professionals – all disciplines covered – in Europe and worldwide. Thanks to its members’ and partners’ expertise, OTM also shares information on key challenges related to cultural mobility (eg. visas, social protection, taxation, environmental issues). Beyond this information channel, OTM facilitates training, workshop and/or makes public presentations on cultural mobility issues. It also advises on internationalisation of practices and organisations in partnership with cultural bodies, agencies, networks, foundations etc. The OTM network has recently started to work on evaluations and impacts’ studies related to artists’ mobility. Born as a website in 2002 as project of IETM, OTM has evolved as a dynamic network which now counts more than 40 member organisations. Beyond other sources of funding, OTM is supported by the French Ministry of Culture.