Malatya (0422)
Malatya has a population of 381,081. In the STGM database a total of 42 NGO’s was listed of which 1 was dedicated to education and youth, 2 to culture and 0 to arts.
İnönü University
İnönü University was founded in 1975 and it is one of the biggest universities in Eastern Turkey. The Arts Faculty has departments of music, musicology and Music Technology, painting, ceramics, landscape architecture and a department of handicrafts.
Events and organizations that are relevant for art and culture in Malatya are:
- Europe-Anatolia Cultures Meeting
- Malatya Caravanserai Festival, successful because of many factors: a generous attitude from the local government, financial support from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and contributions from institutions like UNESCO International Plastic Arts community, ÇEKÜL (Foundation for the Promotion and Protection of the Environment and Cultural Heritage), Historical Cities Association and İnönü University. About 10.000 people attended the event ‘Meeting of Local Dishes’, where locals cooked for the guests, held during the Festival.
The Hague has city-links with Karakocan, Kovancilar and Palu which are all in Elâzığ Province which is the source of the Tigris River.