BaixoCento: Collaborative Festival in SP


BaixoCento: Collaborative Festival in SP

From 23 March to 1 April BaixoCentro took place, a self-managed Street Festival in São Paulo that is organized collaboratively, horizontally and independently by a group of producers and enthusiasts. The main aim is to reframe this region in the city centre of São Paulo, consisting of the neighborhoods Santa Cecília, Vila Buarque, Campos Elísios, Barra Funda and Luz.

In fact, much more than a festival it’s a civilian occupation movement that pretends to ‘crack, hack and dispute’ the streets. Every step of the production are carried out in an associative, open and free way. There’s no one behind: no NGO, no private sector, no government. The financing is also realized collectively; by way of crowd funding and other forms of independent revenue (auction, raffle, donations).

All the activities and performances are free, even when it occurs in closed/private venues, and open for intervention. The ‘festival’ invites everybody to come and intervene – with your voice, your body or your ideas.

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