Documentary about Forró

Documentary about Forró

This documentary, produced in 2008 by journalists Adriana Caitano and Galton Sé, is a great overview of Forró Pé-de-Serra movement. It shows how traditional forró – the big balls originally from the Northeast region – became popular among the young middle class of Brasília and the Southern cities, far from its origins. Played mostly with three instruments – triangle, zabumba drum and accordion -, it mixes a bunch of rhythms, such as baião, coco, quadrilha, xaxado and xote. Forró Pé-de-Serra is celebrated every year in three major yearly festivals – Rootstock (in São Paulo), RioRoots (in Rio) e Festival Nacional de Forró de Itaúnas (ES).

If you need English subtitles, look for the “cc” caption button on the bottom of the video.

Originally published on DeepBrazil under CC license.

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