Funk Dancers: Reis do Passinho
In Rio young inhabitants of peripheral areas and the so-called favelas have developed particular dance moves - passinhos - to dance on the Funk music of Rio de Janeiro (carioca funk) and at the famous bailes (funk parties). They are the 'Reis do Passinho' (kings of the passinho)
The above video shows the different styles incorporated in the passinhos; break, hip hop, but also sensual and rather feminine moves. It's the teaser of a documentary by Emilio Domingos called Batalho do Passinho (contest of the passinho), based on the contest of the passinho that took place in September 2011 in the favelas Borel, Andaraí and Salgeiro.
João Xavi, who wrote his thesis on passinhos, observes (my translation):
"The movements of small steps, with their arms, turns and waggles counter statements like, "A man is not man when he rebola (rebolar is a shaking and sensual/sexy movement typical for girls)" . One of the male dancers' main motivations for dancing this way is to get closer to the girls. These are movements that make them known, important and desired by the girls. This is how the passinho reframes the attitude of the male body in the context of Funk Culture and, consequently, in the daily life of peripheral Rio and Brazil. Liberating and expanding the possibilities of bodily expression of men and boys in the context of a highly repressive macho culture." Read more (in Portuguese)>>>