Launch of the European Year of Cultural Heritage


Launch of the European Year of Cultural Heritage

On 26 January 2018 the Dutch European Year of Cultural Heritage-programme starts with the theme of 'Creative by tradition'.

Embracing the motto of ‘Heritage unites, Europe inspires’, many Dutch (heritage) organisations will throw open their doors in 2018 with activities that demonstrate their ties to Europe. During this theme year, every month will focus on a heritage theme that highlights the relationship between the Netherlands and Europe.  

Each spotlight project consists of a public activity and an expert meeting devoted to knowledge exchange in a European context. In January the spotlight is on the theme of ‘Creative by tradition’, exploring new methods of translating traditional crafts and techniques into contemporary art and design. The year’s other themes are:

Sustainable craftsmanship
Man-made landscapes
European routes
Defence lines
Heritage belongs to us all
Country estates and manors  
Hurtful heritage
Excavated history
Religious heritage
Cross-border heritage

Throughout the theme year, major national public events such as Open Monumentendag (Heritage Day devoted to buildings), the Nationale Archeologiedagen (Archaeology Days) and the Maand van de Geschiedenis (Month of History) will focus on Europe as part of their programmes, in close collaboration with Leeuwarden-Fryslân European Capital of Culture 2018.

More about the European Year of Cultural Heritage:

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