open call: 2014 Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition

open call: 2014 Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition

(source: Chinese embassy in The Hague)


Dear sir/madam:

More than one hundred years ago, the watercolor painting was introduced into China, using water and paper as the medium. Nourished by the Chinese Traditional Culture, the Chinese watercolor gradually formed its own unique features with national spirit and local interest. Especially in recent years, with the successive exploration and innovation, the Chinese watercolor art has opened up a more diverse situation and gained tremendous achievements. In order to further promote the prosperous development of watercolor creation and the cooperation between Chinese Watercolor Art and international Watercolor Art, Department of Art and Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture and Qingdao Government decide to co-host the Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition.

2014 Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition will be held in Qingdao Art Museum on December, 2014. We invite the outstanding artists from all around the world to participate our exhibition, enhancing the mutual communication, exchanges and cooperation and making contributions for the more diverse future development of watercolor.

We hereby sincerely invite you to join our exhibition because of your achievements and influence in watercolor art. Please see the appendix about the invitation details and relevant rules.

We will be looking forward to your reply.


Best Regards

Organizing Committee

2014 Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition

June, 2014




Note for 2014 Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition

Qingdao, a picturesque coastal city nestling under the mountain and beside the sea, has its own humanity scene with unique beauty of European color. Under the influence of Qingdao local culture, the watercolor art which comes from the west, going through several hundreds of development, has accumulated abundant art resources, formed strong artistic creative atmosphere and talented creating group. Watercolor in Qingdao not only gains the popularity from city residents but also wins the support from government. The Qingdao government is planning an Art Museum which features in watercolor painting, hoping that Qingdao will gradually become an art center for the collection, research, creation and exchange of international watercolor.

In order to further promote the prosperous development of watercolor creation and the cooperation between Chinese Watercolor Art and international Watercolor Art, Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture Art Department and Qingdao Government decide to co-host the Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition. 2014 Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition will be held in Qingdao Art Museum on December, 2014. We invite the outstanding artists from all around the world to participate our exhibition, enhancing the mutual communication, exchanges and cooperation and making contributions for the more diverse future development of watercolor.

.Sponsors and Organizers:

Sponsors:  Department of Art, Ministry of Culture

Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture

Qingdao Government

 Organizes:  Watercolor Art Committee of Chinese Artists Association

           Qingdao Municipal propaganda Department

           Qingdao Press and Publication Bureau of Culture

           Qingdao Art Museum

.Exhibition Time: Dec. 12ed, 2014-Feb. 28th, 2015

.Exhibition Place: Qingdao Art Museum

.Requirements for exhibition and artworks in exhibition:

1. 50 artists at home and abroad who will join exhibition are invited by Exhibition Art Committee. The artists being invited need to fill out the invitation receipt letter. Send the receipt for Invitation Letter, include information about artists, personal art resume, and details of artworks to mailbox:

2. Each artist can take four paintings finished in the previous five years to exhibition. It should be original work and paper water medium work including watercolor, gouache, water-borne acrylic, tempera and water based integrated media painting.

3. The size of biggest painting is 113×97cm (height and width are not limited). The size of combined work must within the biggest.

.Transportation and packaging of artworks

1. The artworks don’t need to be framed. The following information should be noted on the back side: name of artist, name of artwork, material, creating time and telephone number.

2. Before sending by Express the artwork should be packaged by solid cylinder and thick press paper. The freight fee and insurance expenses will be paid by exhibitor and you can choose Freight Collect.

Delivery Address: Qingdao Art Museum, No.7 DaXue Road, Qingdao City, Shandong      Province.  

Post code: 266003.  Receiver: Xue Bo.

Telephone Number: 13853285699, 0532—82889996

Ⅵ.Treatment of Artists

1. Through friendly discussion with artists and on the premise of respecting the artists’ individual will, Qingdao Art Museum intends to collect part of the artworks and pay the relative costs. The artists will get the collection certificate issued by Qingdao Art Museum. The artworks will also be collected in the Qingdao Watercolor Museum built in future for academic activities like exhibition and research.

2. Artists who's works was selected for the exhibition will receive a participating certificate, one catalog of biennial works and an exhibition activity CD.

3. The exhibitor will invite the foreign artists to take part in the opening ceremony activities. The travel expenses will be borne by the artists themselves while board and lodging costs during the three day’s visit will be borne by the inviting party. 

. Copyright notice and disclaimer:

1. In the needs of promote exhibition, the exhibitor has the right of photography, publicity, propaganda and creating exhibition derivative and can publish the works through relative media networks for long time.

2. The exhibitor party is responsible for the safety of artworks, but the organizer will not take the responsibility due to losses caused by the Force Majeure. After the exhibition the artworks not being collected will be sent back in three months.

3. The Organizing Committee enjoys the final interpretation right for biennale rules.

. Contact Us:

Address: Organizing Committee Office of Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition, Qingdao Art Museum, No.7 DaXue Road, Qingdao City, Shandong Province.

Postcode:  266003

Telephone: 0532—82889996; Fax: 0532—82889996



Organizing Committee Office

2014 Qingdao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition 

June 2014

 (For the application form, please refer to the attached PDF file.)


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