Open Call: "Fashion as Encounters"

Ways of Caring: Biënnale State, State of Fashion, Open Call for contributors, 2021.
Ways of Caring: Biënnale State, State of Fashion, Open Call for contributors, 2021.
State of Fashion

Open Call: "Fashion as Encounters"

State of Fashion has launched a new open call for fashion enthusiasts all over the world about radical transformations in fashion. Deadline 16 December.
By Janna Schwab

State of Fashion is a pioneering platform that explores an urgently needed radical change in fashion. Moving towards a more equitable fashion industry requires more than just changing the way we produce and consume garments or the way we reward labour. It requires a deeper understanding of what fashion is, and of the role clothing has in our daily lives. In doing so, State of Fashion regards fashion as more than just a production system of objects for individual consumption. It is a way to communicate about who we are, how we feel, how we relate to each other. It is a way to care for communities, nature and animal species.

For the State of Fashion's biennial 2022, themed Ways of Caring, they invite fashion enthusiasts, makers and practitioners with radical ideas and perspectives, from different practices, backgrounds, and locations to apply for the new Open Call for Contributors to co-create the exhibition Fashion as Encounters, curated by NOT____ENOUGH Collective. The deadline to apply is 16 December 2021.

State of Fashion considers fashion as a driver of positive change for cultural transformation and wants to carry this out in the Fashion as Encounters exhibition through the following key themes: transforming narratives, exercising compassion, and coexisting knowledge. NOT____ENOUGH Collective is looking for a maximum of nine artists to collectively create three new works responding to these themes. The co-creation will take place over a period of four months and will be moderated by the members of the Not Enough Collective. The process will start in February 2022 and will end in May 2022.

State of Fashion will support the nine artists with:

  • A €1.500,- work grant.
  • An additional fee of €300,- when an existing work of the participant is selected for the exhibition through the co-curation process
  • A realistic working budget.
  • If duos or collectives are selected, the fee will be shared by the team members.

Read more and sign-up

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