Photography project Offside Brazil


Photography project Offside Brazil

Since the start of the World Cup in Brazil, four Magnum photographers - Alex Majoli, David Alan Harvey, Jonas Bendiksen and Susan Meiselas, four new names in Brazilian photography - Barbara Wagner, Pio Figueroa, André Vieira and Breno Rotatori, as well as the collectives Garapa and Mídia Ninja developed together the project Offside Brazil, in partnership with the Instituto Moreira Salles, the foundation Save the Dream and ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network). 

Without photographing the football matches themselves, the team of photographers created a database of contemporary images, recording in the vicinity of stadiums, the areas of exclusion from FIFA, the demonstrations, the nightlife of cities, religious rituals and Brazilian daily life that runs parallel to celebrations.

To watch the photos, visit

Source: Revista Zum

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