Ian Yang
Advisor - Australia | China I Japan I South Korea
i.yang [at] dutchculture.nl

[Report] Dutch Cultural Approach in China Works

Ribbon-cutting ceremony at the opening of Dalian Dutch Days 2016. The annual 'Dutch Days' presents a variety of cultural activities in multiple cities across China.

[Report] Dutch Cultural Approach in China Works

DutchCulture initiated a research that compares what the Netherlands aim and achieve in China to the cultural approaches of Denmark, France, Germany and the UK.

DutchCulture initiated a research in 2016 that compares what the Netherlands aim and achieve in China to the cultural approaches of Denmark, France, Germany and the United Kingdom The Dutch are doing quite well according to the research, but sustainability and cross- disciplinary representations are key for the future.

What are the results of Dutch policies and initiatives in stimulating cultural relations with China? The research was conducted by sinologist and cultural economist Sophie Heyligers. . Heyligers concludes that in general the Dutch have a strong influence and a rich network in the cultural field in China, especially in the museum sector and the creative industries. Unlike Denmark, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the Netherlands do not have a permanent representative venue for exhibitions or performances in China. Nontheless the ‘pop-up’ versions of Dutch cultural institutes and cross-cultural programmes across China in recent years have strongly ensured a wide exposure in a relatively short period of time, which also has had a beneficial impact on the overall cultural image of the Netherlands.

Heyligers also drew a list of recommendations for future policy making for the Netherlands. She proposes to clearly define the target audiences of several cultural activities, and to further encourage cross-disciplinary cultural and art representations. The sustainability of cultural exchange and collaboration is also highlighted: “since examples from other countries show how long-term relations can pay off over time, maintaining existing relations with Chinese partners is essential.”


Read the full research -> Comparative Research on Cultural Diplomatic Relations with China.pdf

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