The June EU elections are crucial for the future of the continent. In an interview series, we reflect on the role of culture in Europe. #1: Kirsten van den Hul
During their Dutch-German artistic exchange, artists Johannes Langkamp and Martin Lucas Schulze discovered their shared fascination for movements and processes.
Transforming norms for a sustainable future. Explore our initiatives at the intersection of climate and culture.
Looking for financial means to fund your cultural project taking place in Belgium? Our funding guide is tailored specifically for Dutch-Belgian cooperation.
In this new publication, we reflect on the journeys, challenges and successes of young makers in the DutchCulture New Generations programme.
Heritage professionals in Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Maarten & Sint Eustatius can apply for a €1500 travel voucher for European collaborations.
The Netherlands signed the Faro Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society. DutchCulture also focuses on heritage and its relation to communities.
De podcast 'Europa om je heen' neemt je mee naar locaties met het Europees Erfgoedlabel in Nederland.
Fill out Culture Action Europe's survey on the conditions and challenges of cultural professionals by Feb 9.
In een reeks online sessies maken we Europese fondsen en subsidieprogramma's toegankelijker voor makers, culturele instellingen en professionals in Nederland.
Every year in September, we eagerly anticipate Turkish participants embarking on a visit to the Netherlands to help them connect to the Dutch cultural sector.
DutchCulture has played an active part in EUNIC NL's FAIR P(L)AY cycle of events, coming to a close last October. Here are our takeaways and tips & tricks.
The European Audiovisual Observatory released a report on the underrepresentation of women in the European film industry.
​​​Cultural geographer and residency host Rosa Cerarols believes culture offers innovative solutions to challenges in Spain's non-urban areas.
European Cultural Foundation en DutchCulture roepen alle politieke partijen op om bij nieuwe kabinetsformatie de versterking van de cultuursector te agenderen.
In een reeks online sessies maken we Europese fondsen en subsidieprogramma's toegankelijker voor makers, culturele instellingen en professionals in Nederland.
We offer 5 online sessions to make European funds more accessible to creators and cultural organizations in the Netherlands and beyond.
Een korte terugblik op een inspirerende en leerzame dag over internationale culturele samenwerking voor gemeenten en provincies.
Voices of Culture has published a report on the role the cultural and creative industries can play in the green transistion and the support they need.
DutchCulture joined EUNIC's Climate Culture(s) Creative Lab in Berlin and contributed to a report on climate & international cultural relations