According to cultural attaché Bas Ernst of the Dutch embassy, this interdisciplinary programme has been of great value for Dutch artists as well as for Palermo.
130 aanvragen ingediend voor trainingsinitiatieven en distributie
Twee Nederlandse projecten op de shortlist.
OUTtv Pro is een door Creative Europe MEDIA gesteund project.
In recent years, China has become one of the world’s economic, scientific and technological superpowers. For artists it also offers exciting opportunities.
Connecting Emerging Literary Artists is een Creative Europe Cultuur gesteund project uitgevoerd door De Nieuwe Oost | Wintertuin
Conferentie op 19 maart 2019
Myriam Sahraoui toured around Tangier’s hidden cultural gems. There is (still) much to do in the struggle of the imagination against indifference.
This book raises the question as to what the present role of artist residencies is in relation to artists and the art ecosystem amid transformations in society.
Trainingsprogramma voor strategische bedrijfsontwikkeling
The programme Never Grow Up! draws the attention of the USA to Dutch youth performing art, film and literature. An interview with programme manager Anja Krans.
De conferentie Cultuur werkt voor de provincie ging over de kansen die cultuur biedt voor de regio’s. Bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van internationalisering.
DutchCulture gathered 40 international experts in Amsterdam to discuss values and practicalities of fair(er) international cultural cooperation.