Plans for collaboration from the Turkish side

Plans for collaboration from the Turkish side

The plans and issues mentioned below came to light in interviews and conversations:


- Diyalog Dernegi  - Thomas Busch and Sabine Kuper-Busch

Work with local communities, trainings


- Focus on areas where migrants come from who live now in The Netherlands: Konya or Kayseri (both in central Anatolia). Focus Istanbul-Ankara-Konya.

Give video workshops on education level.


- Anadolu Kultur – Osman Kavala

Works in Anatolia, intangible heritage


- Oral history project: story telling between Dutch and Turkish academics, series of interviews, but also to/via Germany, Greece.

Publication: children book and training.

On local level, in cities; good example is the exhibition at Deposu on ethnic communities and urban planning.


- Cekul – Ece Muftuoglu Narcy and Yonca Morali

Nature, culture and education: conservation, community, publications, training

Good examples: Project Respect to Sinan: inventory, website and map of important heritage sites, magazine publications, work in municipalities


- History Foundation (Tarih Vakfi) – Gürel Tüzün and Gamze Rezan Sarişen

Oral history archive, EU projects

Oral history project on Dutch who travelled to Turkey , and vice versa in the past 400 years: travellers, painters, etc.. Produce articles out of the stories and a publication.


- The Netherlands Consulate in Istanbul – Daniel Stork

Diplomatic relations

Focus on different areas in Turkey or important heritage sites:

Antakia: oldest church and different ethnic communities;

Izmir: Dutch church, multicultural city

Matra flex: exchange of diplomatic officials (EVD)


- Bilgi University – Deniz Unsal

Exchange programmes, publications, contemporary art

Organise exchange of young professionals: starting point Dutch who travelled to Turkey in the 17th -19th century, they walked through the streets in Old Istanbul with a classical look; how did the urban planning change, views, perspectives: did Istanbul lost its 17th century look, is this a positive change, what were different travel routes? ;

Background info: stories of Dutch diaries;

In cooperation with the NIT for guest facilities;

Exhibition out of the material: but needs a coordinating curator, flexible so it can travel to Amsterdam as well.


- Netherlands Institute Turkey – Fokke Gerritsen, Charlie Smid, Funda Demir

Lectures, seminars, guest facilities

In cooperation with Bilgi University possible exchange programme

In cooperation with IISG (International Institute of Social History) and History Foundation an exhibition on forbidden documents (at IISG).