UPDATE Report Prospects for art and culture in Europe

UPDATE Report Prospects for art and culture in Europe

SICA has consulted its partners in a number of European countries in order to gauge the mood in the cultural sector.

None of the countries is currently in a position to provide a full picture of the impact of the economic crisis on cultural budgets. What is certain, is that cuts have been announced across the board, but these have not all been implemented so far. In some countries, (impending) elections create an extra thread for the culture budget.

The countries that are represented in this overview are: Belgium/Flanders, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Share your information!
SICA will publish an update of this report after receiving contributions from other European countries. We are also happy to receive updates on the latest developments in countries that are already included in the report. 

The economic crisis and the prospects for art and culture in Europe (pdf, 4 p.), situation in October 2010. Next update is foreseen for January 2011.



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