Artist Talk: Jean-Baptiste Maitre


Artist Talk: Jean-Baptiste Maitre

Meet the artist in the context of the group exhibition 'It ain’t whatcha write, it’s the way atcha write it'.
Saturday 27 September 2014 00:00

French artist Jean-Baptiste Maitre has been invited to talk about his current project 'Mandala Republique'.

Jean-Baptiste Maitre (1978) is interested in how images are created and remain in our cultural collective unconscious. His projects play with the way original artworks are transformed by the so-called ecology of art - i.e. every text, image, film and conversation that is not an artwork but talks about it- and how it can affect the way we perceive and remember them.

In the project 'Mandala Republique', moments and images from the collective imaginary of the 1920s are brought together and translated from medium to medium. Maitre takes as a starting point a collage of Hannah Höch of 1919: Cut With A Kitchen Knife, that describes in a frantic composition the state of the Republic of Weimar. Through isolating every characters and objects of the collage, Maitre finds their equivalents today, and proposes new formal ways to display them.

Before (16:00 – 16:30) and after (17:30 – 18:30) the artist talk it is possible to visit the exhibition 'It ain’t whatcha write, it’s the way atcha write it'.

Practical information
Date: Saturday, 27 September
Time: 16.00 - 19.00
Location: Herengracht 474 in Amsterdam
Language: English
Admission: free, but please RSVP as limited places are available.