Creative Amsterdam. From BRIC to MIST


Creative Amsterdam. From BRIC to MIST

Wednesday 11 May 2011 00:00

In the framework of Creative Amsterdam, the session After the BRIC, the MIST? will focus on developments in the global economy and the opportunities these developments offer the Dutch creative sector.
The so-called BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have acquired a prominent position in Dutch international cultural policy. Recently, Goldman Sachs – responsible for the expression ‘BRIC’ – defined a new group of upcoming economies, the MIST countries: Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey.

New countries, new priorities?

Is this a case of 'after the BRIC, comes the MIST'? And if so, should Dutch cultural policy and the creative sector focus on these countries? What is the added value of such labels for ambitious cultural organizations and for developing sustainable international exchange? Maybe there are other strategies for working out international opportunities for Dutch organizations in an ever-dynamic world?
What opportunities do upcoming countries offer the Dutch creative sector? Paul Laseur (BNR Nieuwsradio) asks foreign experts and Dutch creative entrepreneurs who live and work in rising markets such as China, Brazil, Mexico and South Korea. Participants in the discussion include Mark Leenards (SBS Investments), Ton van Zeeland (Consulate General in Guangzhou), Emio Greco (Choreographer) and Rutger Hamelynck (ING).

19:30 - 22:00 hrs. 

Language: English

Entrance: free.

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