Dutch participation at Pensar a Infância Fórum
The Pensar a Infância Fórum (Images of Childhood Forum) in cooperation with Central de Cultura and the Dutch Film Fund, will gather professionals from the Dutch film sector and Brazilians. Selected Brazilian projects will have a consultancy by screenwriters, producers and directors of films that were part of the FICI (Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil) since its first editions. During the four days of the workshop, from the 27th to 30th of August, five Dutch professionals will contribute to improve films that will be screened soon.
Brazil - Holanda Workshop
Dutch screenwriter discusses the creation of quality audiovisual content for the entire family, from his experience developing narratives that join fantasy and reality.
Mieke de Jong, screenwriter for Tony 10, feature film to be screened on BKFF 2012
Intervention: Flavia Lins e Silva, writer and director
AUGUS T 29th
Dutch directors talk about their experience carrying out works dedicated to
children, young adults and families, from original or adapted screenplays, and discuss the main challenges faced in directing those projects.
Mischa Kamp, director of Tony 10, feature film to be screened on BKFF 2012
Nicole van Kilsdonk, director of Taking Chances, feature film to be screened on BKFF 2012
Intervention: Flavia Lins e Silva, writer and director
Dutch producers talk about their experience developing films for children, young
adults and families, and discuss the main challenges faced on the production, for the projects to surpass the local market.
Pensar a Infância Fórum is part of the Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil (International Festival of Children Cinema).