FAIR P(L)AY #3 x Dutch Design Week - Know Your Worth
Date: Friday 25 October, 2023
Time: 10:00 – 12:30
Location: Foundation We Are, Torenallee 22-04, Eindhoven
Language: English
How do you establish yourself as a designer? What makes a professional designer? How do you know how much your work is worth? How does that affect your own creative practice? Join us for a conversation on rewarding and sustainable design practices! As part of the Dutch Design Week 2023 in Eindhoven, EUNIC Netherlands is happy to present the third event of its Fair P(l)ay cycles. Fair P(l)ay is a series of events discussing sustainable remuneration practices in arts and culture with perspectives from international actors.
NOTE: The event is free of charge, so you don't need a DDW ticket to join!
DutchCulture, as an active member within the EUNIC NL Cluster, helps to host a discussion on how to propel your career into the design world, with shared experiences from artists, practitioners, and cultural organizations. In the early stage of your design career, we invite you to listen, learn, and discuss your possibilities, needs, and ambitions. Networking opportunities will follow the event in a relaxed setting. Here, you can meet the speakers, invited professionals, and event organizers who all represent a different national institute for culture. Present at the event are: Czech Centre Rotterdam, DutchCulture, the Embassy of Austria in the Netherlands, the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux, Goethe-Institut Netherlands, Institut français NL, and Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond.
This event is organized by EUNIC Netherlands, in cooperation with the Dutch Design Foundation, the European Commission, and the Corps Consulaire of North Brabant. It is supported by the EUNIC Global Cluster Fund.
Illustrator and freelancer Mart Veldhuis (31) has experienced the burdens of the Dutch student loan system up close while studying at the HKU in Utrecht. As his student debt accumulated like an angry cloud over his younger years - he wondered how to make a career with of his work. Mart got rid of his problems in one go as he succeeded to sell his wall tapestry "Eigen Schuld" for €45,879, the exact amount of his student debt.
The work will now be exhibited in several museums. Mart's work appears in Dutch media Trouw and de Correspondent among other places, and he has won a Bronze place at the European Design Awards in 2022 and was the winner of the HKU entrepreneurship awards in 2021.