Future Pass


Future Pass

Thursday 8 December 2011 00:00 - Sunday 11 March 2012 00:00

Future Pass – From Asia to the World

'Future Pass' demonstrates an international movement in art which uses a visual language inspired by animation and comics. The two words are combined to give the style its name: 'Animamix'. Animamix artists draw on popular art and comic strips in order to comment on contemporary society. Their other source of inspiration is the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang: of keeping the universe in balance. The narrative character of animamix art is also Asiatic. Perpetually youthful cartoon heroes do battle for a liveable planet, while silent individuals tell stories of their survival in a globalised society.

With 'Future Pass', the Wereldmuseum is presenting the new aesthetics that will dominate the 21st century, just as abstract art dominated the 20th century. More than 130 artists from around the world will show their works: paintings, sculptures, installations, films and photos.

Future Pass embodies a statement about the changing trends of the contemporary artist and the shift towards the global art of the future. The exhibition is organized into five groups, each with the name of a different dyadic pair taken from Yin and Yang, the ancient Chinese philosophy on the order of the universe. Each dyad is made up of complementary opposites mutually dependent on each another for continuation and thus provide the balance of the universe, more important than the interests of the individual: East/West, Past/Future, Yin/Yang, Universe/Self, Virtual/Real. The dyads demonstrate their power in each art work. Future Pass is the riotous fusion of different cultures, ages and personalities in a Cyber Age.

After its successful showing at the Venice Biennale, this international exhibition will open at the Wereldmuseum on 8 December.

East & West, Past & Future

Animamix links itself with traditions from the past as well as traditions from East and West. The art is a confrontation and a fusion, resulting in a rebirth of a world where old conflicts are resolved. A virtual world blends with the real world, and a story laden with symbolism unfolds in an art form compatible with our daily experience of the computer screen: colourful and with a range of choices expressed in visual codes that facilitate interaction among artists and between them and the audience.

The Wereldmuseum's antique artworks tell much the same story: of sacred rhythms, of the universe, and about norms for living that have been laid down by gods and ancestors. 'Future Pass' shows us that animamix instead places human beings, particularly young people, at the centre. It is they who remind us of the classical values regarding balance in the universe, to which every individual is subordinate.


The Wereldmuseum makes it possible, through two very different art forms, to become acquainted with the same philosophical source, the aim of which is to achieve a qualitatively good life.


International presentation

'Future Pass' is a production of the Wereldmuseum, the Today Art Museum in Beijing, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung, and the UNEEC Culture and Education Foundation in Taipei. It was achieved in cooperation with the Fondazione Claudio Buziol. Three curators are responsible for the exhibition's content: Victoria Lu (Creative Director, Today Art Museum, Beijing), Renzo di Renzo (Artistic Director, Fondazione Claudio Buziol, Venice) en Felix Schober (independent curator).