Inspired by China

Inspired by China

Thursday 3 May - Sunday 3 June 2012

‘Made in China’ becomes ‘Inspired by China’.

The modern Chinese is eager to learn and look westwards. The Western artist looks back and sees a Chinese with sharp eye for detail. With his sharp eye for detail the Chinese copies everything he thinks will pay. The western artist gets inspired by that ancient eye for detail. He travels to China and sees millions of eyes for detail. The artist brings the modern Chinese his western  creativity. And the refined Chinese hands bring the western creativity alive.

The modern Westener gets ‘Inspired by China’.

‘Inspired by China’ is initiated by Amsterdam artists and en¬trepreneurs, supported by the Amsterdam authority, RABO bank Amsterdam, the Chinese Community and Pol’s Potten. It shows how creativity goes hand in hand with economy. More and more Chinese companies have faith in the Am¬sterdam creativity combined with their spirit of commerce and take up their residence in the Amsterdam metropole. From here they enter the European market. The creative Amsterdam climat causes an innovative and competitive economy.

On May 9th there will be a special opening ceremony with delegates from the City of Amsterdam and the Chinese Embassy in The Hague

Program May 9th (Provisional)

16.00 Opening

16.30 Speech Vice Mayor Carolien Gerhels
16.35 Speech Mr. Chen (Chinese Embassy)

16.40 Speech and Book presentation (Book about the Chinese Textile Project (by Alexander van Slobbe and Paul Spies)) to Vice Mayor Carolien Gerhels
16.45 Speech Marga Wobma-Helmich (Director Education, Participation and Programmering Dutch Opera)
16.50 Speech Janny Alberts (Director NV Zeedijk about the project Inspired by China and the effects on Amsterdams China Town)
16.55 Drinks and get together
18.30 End

The exibition shows large photografic details of porcelain art objects, made by Dutch artists in China.

It emphasises the mutual gains of collaboration (on cultural and economical issues) between China and the Netherlands.