International Museum Conference 'Sustainable Dialogues'
DutchCulture, Foundation SAM (Foundation for Amsterdam Museums) and ICOM Russia organize the International Museum Conference ‘Sustainable Dialogues’ for Dutch and Russian museum professionals. The conference is scheduled on the 18th and 19th of April 2016 and will be hosted by the Hermitage Museum in Amsterdam.
Topics of conversation
Russian and Dutch museums share a rich history of cooperation. We invite representatives of leading Russian and Dutch museums to take part in the International Museum Conference Sustainable Dialogues to improve the quality and efficiency of their cooperation and to stimulate the exchange of expertise between Dutch and Russian museum professionals.
DutchCulture, Foundation SAM and ICOM Russia aim to stimulate the cultural dialogue between Dutch and Russian museums and fortify their mutual relations. How can we add to sustainable future collaborations? How can we reinforce the exchange of knowledge? What can we learn from each other about museum education and audience development? These and other topics will be discussed during the two-day conference.
The conference consists of two parts. One part focusses on sustainable dialogues between Dutch and Russian museum directors in a matchmaking program where they can discuss their future plans, potential collaborations and financing possibilities.
The second part of the conference focusses on sustainable dialogues in the field of museum education and audience development. Russian and Dutch museum professionals discuss new educational paradigms, innovative approach, engagement and public participation programmes, and audience outreach strategies.
The International Museum Conference Sustainable Dialogues takes place in Amsterdam, 18-19 April 2016. The conference is hosted by Hermitage Museum, Amstel 5, Amsterdam.
More information
More information about the set-up of the programme as well as speakers presented during the International Museum Conference ‘Sustainable Dialogues’ is available on this webpage. For more information, please contact Ruben Eijkelenberg, advisor Russia at DutchCulture.