International visitor: Margaret Flanagan (USA)


International visitor: Margaret Flanagan (USA)

From 3 to 7 November, Margaret Flanagan, Manager of Education at the South Street Seaport Museum in New York City, is visiting the Netherlands.
Friday 7 November 2014 00:00

Mrs Flanagan leads the Seaport Museum's Education Department in designing, managing, implementing and evaluating mission-based education programs on ships and ashore, developing ecological awareness and historical perspective in diverse audiences through school and family programs, in-school residencies, public events, guided tours, harbor sails, museum exhibits, field station aquaria, teacher professional development, and web-based and print projects.

She is visiting the Netherlands within the framework of our International Visitors Programme for Cultural Heritage. Goal of her visit is making a connection with the shared maritime history between the United States and the Netherlands and sharing experiences. She would like to learn more about cultural education in the Netherlands.

Both as a maritime educator and professional mariner, she would like to explore how the Netherlands is using its maritime history when developing and operating its modern ports. And personally, she would enjoy gaining additional insight on the Dutch role in the history of her region.

Mrs Flanagan's progragramme includes visits to the Scheepvaartmuseum, the Maritime Museum in Rotterdam, the Port Authorities of Rotterdam, the American embassy in the Hague, the National Archives and the Ministries of Education, Culture & Science and Foreign Affairs.

South Street Seaport Museum website