Movie 3 Blood Brothers


Movie 3 Blood Brothers

Saturday 20 November 2010 00:00

3 Blood Brothers is a movie about the Souza family, introduced by a piano presentation by Marcos Souza; member of this family that changed the Brazilian history!

Before the movie there will be served a Brazilian dinner with Julio and Rose Pimentel.

Dinner: 18:00 hrs.

Movie: 20:00 hrs.

Price - 20 Euros (incl. dinner, movie and pocket show)

Information about the movie:

Director: Ângela Patrícia Reiniger 
Conception and Soundtrack: Marcos Souza

The 3 Blood Brothers is about three brothers who performed a very important role in the social, politic and artistic history of Brazil. They were: Betinho, a social scientist who founded the Campaign Against the Hunger and Poverty; Henfil, a cartoonist who fought hard to bring back the people who were exiled during the dictatorship and to establish the direct elections here in Brazil; and Chico Mario, a musician and composer who always defended the recognition of Brazilian musics quality and produced songs against the torture in Brazil during the dictatorship period. These three brothers were aware of the importance of defending the human rights and they put all their efforts to achieve their goals. They were hemophiliacs and got contaminated by the AIDS virus through blood transfusion. This makes the three of them the symbol against the AIDS in Brazil. Although they have already died, their fight will never die. The fact that Brazil nowadays is seen as a world reference in combating AIDS has a lot to do with their pioneerism in this cause.


Best Documentary Mostra Vidas na Tela FestNatal 2007

Best Movie V Cine Fest Petrobras Brasil - Nova York, 2007

Best Script Recine Festival Internacional de Cinema de Arquivo Rio de Janeiro, 2007

Honorary FEMINA Fest, 2007

Best Script for Documentary FestCine Goiânia, 2006