Launch Station to Station #3: Living on the Edge


Launch Station to Station #3: Living on the Edge

Launch of TransArtists' digital magazine Station to Station #3: Living on the Edge, online event on 26 February
Friday 26 February 2021 13:00 - 14:00

Station to Station #3: Living on the edge

DutchCulture | TransArtists invites you to the launch of Station to Station #3: Living on the edge - an online magazine and critical platform for experiments through AiR programmes.

In this issue of Station to Station, we explore together with artists, researchers and organisers, how AiR as institutions adapt to change, and what kind of institutions we can imagine after Covid-19. During the launch, this will be the topic of conversation with the magazines' contributors: Pau Catà, researcher and initiator of CeRRCa (ES), Lado Darakhvelidze, artist, journalist and broadcaster (GE) and Yasmine Ostendorf, founder of the Green Art Lab Alliance (NL).

Date: Friday 26 February 2021, 13.00 - 14.00 CET
Location: Online streaming

You can register here - Hope you can join us on Friday 26 February.

Check the previous issues of Station to Station - SS #1 Dirty talks - money and SS #2 All that art.