


Riouwstraat 139
2585HP The Hague

EUROCLIO - European Association of History Educators is an umbrella association of more than seventy history, heritage, and citizenship educators' associations and other organizations active in the field. The organization was established in 1992 on request of the Council of Europe. Since then, EUROCLIO has worked in many European countries and beyond on a large variety of issues related to the learning and teaching of history. A special focus has been on countries in political transformation and in particular those with inter-ethnic and inter-religious tensions such as Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Russia and Ukraine. It also worked in regions that have experienced recent violent conflicts such as Former Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Lebanon and the Caucasus. The work has brought together hundreds of historians and history educators to share experiences, to implement innovative learning about the past, discussing also sensitive and controversial issues and therefore creating new and inclusive historical narratives.