

Other name (in original language)
Stichting Indisch Wetenschappelijk Instituut

Borsssenburgstraat 13hs
1078VA Amsterdam

The material IWI collection has been housed with Dutch heritage institutions since 2005: the Tropenmuseum National Museum of World Cultures (NMvW) in Amsterdam, Bronbeek Museum in Arnhem and the KITLV in Leiden. From the material collection a choice was made for the digital collection. This is managed by the IWI and is on the IWI website, complete with references to the locations of the material collection items.

IWI collects life stories in word and image that form an additional entrance to the IWI collection. The life stories are also the basis of the IWI history of Indo-European Culture, the IWI collection and the people who brought the IWI collection together.

See also: Edy Seriese (Expert)