Denneweg 64
2514 CJ The Hague
The The Hague Art Circle is a society for professional artists of various branches. Four sections form together the cornerstones of the Art Circle: 1. visual arts 2. design and architecture 3. literature, theatre, film 4. music. The artists of various branches meet their fellows as well as other companions in arts. Also many inhabitants of The Hague city not being artists themselves but cherishing a warm cultural interest have become so called non-acting art-loving member of the The Hague Art Circle. This explains the large number of more than 500 members. Two-third part of this number is artist (painter, sculptor, architect, designer, actor, author, musician, filmmaker). The rest is art-loving non-acting member. All activities are organized by the members. In the exhibition spaces visual artists are able to realize their ideas for exhibitions. Designers, authors, musicians and other acting artists can express their inspiration whenever possible together with representatives of other art sections.