Jacomine Hendrikse, DutchCulture
Jacomine Hendrikse
Advisor - Europe + Heritage
j.hendrikse [at] dutchculture.nl

Call for papers for International Council on Archives conference 2022

International Council on Archives

Call for papers for International Council on Archives conference 2022

The conference Archives Bridging the Gap takes place from 19 to 23 September in Rome, Italy. The call for papers is open until March 21, 2022.
By Jacomine Hendrikse

From 19 to 23 September 2022 the conference Archives Bridging the Gap takes place in Rome, Italy. The conference is organised by the International Council on Archives (ICA) in cooperation with several partners. Registration for the conference will open in February, the call for abstracts is already open.

The title of the conference refers to the major challenges that archives are facing: to bridge the gap between global and local, public and private, centre and periphery, majority and minority, duties and rights, hi-tech and low-tech – to name a few. The organisation is calling for papers that interpret this broad general theme is all different ways. Among the suggested sub-themes are digitisation (the use of new technologies such as Blockchain, Big Data and AI), the role archives play in a globalized world, archives bridging the cultural gap and archives bridging the democracy gap.


Proposals are welcomed from any academic, nonprofit, corporate, or government area within or connected with the archival and records management sector in any part of the world. Proposals may fall into any of the following six categories: (1) Panel Discussion; (2) Paper Presentation; (3) Lightning Talk; (4) Poster; (5) Workshop; and (6) Alternative Format. The language that papers can be written in is English, French or Italian. The conference will be held in English.

The deadline to submit your papers is March 21, 2022 (midnight CET).

International Council on Archives

The International Council on Archives is an international, non-governmental organisation with over 1900 members. Membership of ICA is open to any individual or organisation concerned with the professional care of and access to archive collections. ICA is dedicated to the effective management of records and the preservation, care and use of the world's archival heritage through its representation of records and archive professionals across the globe.

The European regional branch of the ICA (EURBICA) has over 900 members.

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