Our Matching Fund has been up and running for over seven years and during this time we've received more than 150 requests for funding. The Matching Fund covers up to 50% of the total project costs and many projects were made possible with the support of other funds that subsidise cultural heritage projects in the Netherlands and abroad. To support the work of those working in the broad field of culture, we decided to compile a list of the funds based in the Netherlands we came across during the last seven years. Broad in its thematic and geographical scope, this overview covers a myriad of fields including design, cultural heritage, photography, architecture and literature.
How does it work?
The overview includes five columns: the first lists the name of the fund with a hyperlink to its respective website. The second column specifies the themes, disciplines or fields that each fund focuses on. The overview also indicates whether a fund supports projects based in the Netherlands (third column), in the Shared Cultural Heritage (SCH) partner countries (fourth column), and/or in other countries (last column). The Shared Cultural Heritage partner countries are: Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname and the United States.
Because calls for funding and specific programmes change with time – as do cultures and cultural practices themselves – we suggest that you look carefully at each website for updates and changes regarding requirements, deadlines, and other important information. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list but a work in progress. If you have comments or suggestions for additional content, we would be happy to hear from you.