A favela in Amsterdams' Mediamatic


A favela in Amsterdams' Mediamatic

Inspired by life in the Favela’s, Mediamatic builds a city from scratch on Tuesday January 29th 2013 at 19.00. Mediamatic is building a favela inside Mediamatic Fabriek. But what will this city look like? How can we generate heat, how do we feed people, and how will we clean up our shit? A group of designers and doers has been meeting to find the answers. On January 29 these future citizens will present their building plans: <http://www.mediamatic.net/search/332353/en> .

For instance: a Tosti Factory (including a pig and a cow), and a distillery that makes use of organic trash. Join us for a dozen breakneck presentations. You can register online. http://www.mediamatic.net/336880/en/slum-sessions-9>


Freezing Favela is a temporary settlement at Mediamatic Fabriek in the Van Gendthallen, Amsterdam. A flexible space that is open for experimentation with new ways of building, growing, isolating, energizing and programming in austere conditions. The projects that will be presented are in various stages of execution, but all of them could use your help. So if you're just curious about what is going on, or would like to play a more active role in the developments - come by and get informed.  

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