Interview with Luan Qian, Director of OCT Contemporary Art Terminal (OCAT)
Luan Qian: The Entrepreneurial Soul of Culture
栾倩 - 文化的企业精神
(courtesy of the Cultural Affairs officers of the Dutch diplomatic network in China)
OCT and the Netherlands
1. 华侨城和荷兰的合作是怎么开始的?
How did the collaboration between OCT and the Netherlands start?
LQ: 华侨城各艺术机构一直以来都非常关注国际前沿的设计和艺术领域。北欧国家,包括荷兰在内的设计水平在全球来讲都非常突出。早在2009年,华美术馆就针对荷兰当代设计做了名为“社会能量”的展览,不过当时还是停留在各个艺术机构自发选择合作项目的阶段。2010年上海世博会荷兰馆的闭幕式的新闻发布会由上海浦江华侨城和荷兰方一起承办,合作的成功也为双方的深度交流创造了机会,也使Sica、荷兰大使馆和华侨城之间有了更深入的了解。2011年,借助浦江华侨城的“十年公共艺术计划”由中荷两位艺术家带来对话展的契机,华侨城和Sica正式签署了战略合作协议,开启了双方更紧密更有意识的合作序幕,也为中荷建交四十周年及之后的多项文化合作项目奠定了良好的基础。
Over the past few years the various OCT art institutions have been very interested in what is happening at the international forefront of design and art. Northern Europe, including the Netherlands, is very prominent in the world in terms of the level of design. Back in 2009, the China Art Gallery hosted "Social Energy", an exhibition of contemporary Dutch graphic design, but we were still stuck in a stage of various art institutions spontaneously choosing for cooperation projects. In 2010 the press conference for the closing ceremony of the Netherlands pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo took place at Shanghai Pujiang OCT and was successfully organised by SICA, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and OCT, this allowed for a more in depth level of exchange and understanding of each other. In 2011, with the Pujiang OCT 10 Year Public Art Plan, there was again an opportunity for Chinese and Dutch artists to engage in a collaborative show. Subsequently OCT and SICA officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement, allowing the two parties to work together more closely and more consciously. Also with an eye to the then upcoming 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the Netherlands this laid a good foundation.
2. 华侨城集团为什么特别看重文化?
Why does the OCT Group pay particular attention to the field of culture?
LQ: (1) 在华侨城发展的历史上,本身就有着不少文化渊源和深厚文化积淀:自1997年何香凝美术馆成立,华侨城就已投入到了当代艺术领域。
(2) 文化本身也已经成为了企业品牌精神的核心。华侨城不仅直接参与到艺术的相关运营和管理中,文化也体现在华侨城集团的各个项目及产品线上:从主题公园到城市综合成片开发,在硬件的投入之外,文化元素的运用始终是开发的基础及灵魂。这也是华侨城的品牌特色与竞争力所在。
(1) Within the history of OCT’s development there are many cultural connections and a profound cultural heritage: with the founding of the He Xiangning Art Museum in 1997, OCT thrust itself into the field of contemporary art.
(2) Culture itself has become the core of the enterprise and the spirit of the brand. OCT is not only directly involved in the operations and management of the art projects, the affinity for culture is also reflected in all of the OCT Group projects and product lines: from theme parks to city development to the investment in hardware, the use of cultural elements is always the basis for the development and is at the soul of the company. This is also the OCT brand characteristic and where our competitive edge lies.
3. 在过去的三年中我知道华侨城集团和荷兰有过很多的合作。您亦多次访问过荷兰。您觉得荷兰在文化交流上面您还希望看到什么样的合作?
In the past three years, the OCT Group and the Netherlands have had a lot of cooperation in realm of culture. You have also visited the Netherlands numerous times. What kinds of cultural exchange projects with the Netherlands would you like to see in the future?
LQ: 优秀的文化艺术活动的合作、高等设计院校的引进,国际艺术论坛研讨及策展人培训等方面。
I am looking forward to see excellent cooperation in terms of arts and cultural activities, and the introduction of more higher-education design institutions, more international art, discussion forums and curator training programmes.
4. 我们知道华侨城与在此之前也和其他的欧洲国家合作过如法国,意大利,您觉得同是欧洲的国家在文化上各有什么特点? 您觉得和荷兰的合作最吸引您的是什么?
Apart from the Netherlands the OCT group has also collaborated with various other European countries such as France and Italy. What do you think are the similarities between European countries as compared to China, what kind cultural characteristics do they share? In terms of the Netherlands what do you think is its cultural distinction?
LQ: 欧洲的文化都有着辉煌深厚的传统,且现代意识强烈,创造力强。每个国家由于各自的历史传统和国民性格也造就了不同的文化 。荷兰不仅专业方面积淀深厚,出品优秀,荷兰人的热情、友好、开放、包容的态度,也是促成各种合作与交流的关键因素之一。
European culture has a profound tradition and a strong modern consciousness and creative power. Each country, due to their historical traditions and national character, creates a different culture. The Netherlands not only has a deep-rooted professionalism and excellent products, the Dutch are warm, friendly and open with a tolerant attitude, which is also one of the key factors that contributed to a variety of co-operations and exchanges.
Business and Culture
5. 您怎么看待企业与文化项目之间的关系?
How do you view the relationship between business and cultural projects?
LQ: 从运营上来讲,经营与文化相辅相成,共同促进。文化元素的引进,能构成更丰富更吸引人的产品和精品项目。“旅游是文化的载体,文化是旅游的灵魂。”;从品牌上来讲,对于文化项目的无私投入,是企业的品牌精神理念的体现,也是企业社会责任的担当,体现了企业的胸襟和眼光。
Speaking operationally, business and culture complement each other, and jointly serve the purpose of promotion. The introduction of cultural elements can create a richer and more attractive product and boutique items. "Tourism is the carrier of culture; culture is the soul of tourism." - from a branding point of view, investing in cultural projects is a selfless investment, it is a manifestation of the spirit of the brand within the concept of corporate social responsibility that embodies a conscience and vision .
6. 中国企业赞助文化的契机是什么?
Where do you think the opportunities are for Chinese corporate sponsorship of cultural projects and events?
LQ: 中国政府“文化大发展、大繁荣“的政策引导,中国文化迅猛发展并越来越多的进入国际视野。同时,中国企业自身的发展到一定程度,实力和素质都与所增强,促使越来越多的中国企业对文化进行了赞助。
The Chinese government “Cultural Development and Prosperity” policy guideline urges for more rapid development of Chinese culture and a more international outlook. Meanwhile, Chinese enterprises have reached a certain level of strength and quality in their development, prompting more and more Chinese enterprises to engage in cultural sponsorship.
7. 企业怎么平衡文化项目的投资与回报?
How do companies balance their investments and their returns within cultural projects?
LQ: 文化做为一项无形资产,需要用更宏观更长远的眼光看待。不能仅限在投资与回报的短期利益中衡量,对于文化及艺术创作源头的保护才是最核心最宝贵的诉求。
Culture as an intangible asset, needs a broader, more long-term vision. It can not only be measured in short-term interests of the return on investment. Preserving the source of cultural and artistic creation should be at the core - the most valuable aspiration.
8. 您希望荷兰大使馆给与什么样的支持?
What kind of support or form of collaboration would you like to see from the Netherlands embassy?
LQ: 更多的分享,更多的支持。更密切的沟通,更强力的推动。
More sharing, more support, closer communication and more powerful promotion.
Culture in China
9. 作为一个中国艺术机构的领导层您觉得现在的文化交流是否有值得改进的地方?
From your perspective as being at the head of a cultural organization in China, what room for improvement is there in terms of cultural projects and cultural exchange?
LQ: 更多的从制度上进行完善和支持。
There should be more institutional improvement and support.
10. 在我们看来华侨城集团已支持中国当代艺术超过20过年头请问华侨城集团是怎么看待中国的当代艺术的?
The OCT group has supported Chinese contemporary art for over 20 years – with this amount of experience how do you look at Chinese contemporary art today and its development over the years?
LQ: 中国的当代艺术还处在剧烈的变化和发展当中,现在还不好给出总结性的观点。我们只能抱着谦虚的尊重的态度,尽力做好对中国当代艺术良性发展有帮助有价值的事情。
Chinese contemporary art is undergoing dramatic change and development which is not necessarily good given the summary view. We can only show a humble attitude of respect, and do our best for a sound development of Chinese contemporary art that creates valuable things.
And finally
11. 今年OCAT有什么样的与荷兰合作的计划?
What does OCAT have planned this year in cooperation with the Netherlands?
LQ: 正在考虑及商谈的有:OCAT策展人培训计划、OCT-LOFT的国际爵士音乐节、荷兰最佳图书设计展、设计学校引进及其他相关活动。
Currently under consideration and discussion are: an OCAT curator training programme, the OCT-LOFT International Jazz Festival, the Netherlands Best Designed Books Exhibition, the introduction of design schools, and other related activities.